
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


[Version references refer to the API version]
API update
As stated here the update is now live.
Introducing custom tokens.
From now on you will be able to have multiple tokens for your server. The limit is set to 5 tokens per server. You can manage permissions for the token. For example you can grant a request with a token access to users presence but not users with a certain role presence.
When you create a new token by default it will have all the basic permissions granted. You can edit them by clicking on the pencil, view it by clicking on the eye, copy the token by clicking on the copy button or delete it by clicking on the bin.
command has been removed as you can now delete and generate new tokens on your dashboard. (This may take up to an hour to be live due to Discord)
With future updates more permissions will be added.
[Version references refer to the API version]
API update
As stated here the update is now live. The API will now send back a JSON response so what you will need to do is
the result. An example is provided below to help you adapt your code.
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local NRTD = require(pathToTheModule)
local result = HttpService:JSONDecode(NRTD:GetUserAsync("username", "guildId", "token"))
local found = result.found
if found then
--Give 100 coins
--Do something else
This update has only affected the main route (, the other routes for bind and unbind requests remain unchanged.
You should update your code as soon as possible as now just doing
if result then
can be dangerous as it will always be true.